my last post found me a victim of a french keyboard. a world where a's are q's and there's no discernable delete. i just spent the past few days in paris, my fqvorite city. so many fun things, but if youve been it's really just the wandering qnd sitting that's the most enjoyable. the french, hip to my blague du blog, fill my head with questions: why is everything so delicious here? tiny lamb chops, strawberries, baguette (all 12 kinds: ecureille with hazel nuts and currents, raisin, whole wheat and traditionelle). why dont we have 50 different kinds of butter to choose from like the awesome display at the food market at galleries lafayette? go to the department store, bon marche, to pick up a picnic to enjoy in les jardins de luxembourg. why doesnt anyone think the french are rude? ive had end to end friendliness and good cheer (plus any pouting and frowning which leads me in US to be admonished to smile, here just results in being mistaken for sexy and parisian). last time i went to the porte de clingencourt for the antique market, this time i hit the porte de vanves which is much more my style--outdoors (year round) and pretty relaxed. it's not inexpensive, but you'll see some things you wont see stateside, like venders eating baguette and saucissons for breakfast, housewares that bespeak the culture: white table linens, duck presses and logoed ashtrays and barware. almost the only time i went inside was to see wonderful exhibitions at the musée des arts decoratives which includes fashion in a broad sense and la mode. the work of madeleine vionnet (beautiful, simple dresses from the 1920's and 30's; she was also a pioneer against trademark and copyright infringement so i relate to her in that way too) and an exhibition about the color red--its political, sexual, psychological and other connotations as played out in advertising, clothing, accessories and housewares. the fall/winter clothes and shoes are gorgeous, btw, and discovered a new designer paule ke. anyway, time to head home.
peace out, flqtsie
Yogurt Cake Recipe
Buy Clotilde's latest book, The French Market Cookbook!
Gâteau au yaourt Maxence is a big advocate of the adage “if it ain’t broke
don’t fix it”. In othe...
4 years ago